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Tongtai aims to achieve intelligent machine equipment ecosystem.

The TMTS 2024 Taiwan International Machine Tool Show debuted at the Taipei Nangang Exhibition Center on March 27th. Tongtai Machine & Tool Co., Ltd(4526) showcased its collaboration plans at the exhibition. In 2024, Tongtai will collaborate with significant semiconductor circular economy chain players Solartech(1785), General Integration Technology under Aurora Group (2373), and the globally renowned industrial 3D printing manufacturer Optomec. They aim to initiate a dual-axis smart manufacturing and sustainable future project focusing on circular economy and low-carbon environmental protection. They aim to establish Tongtai as the best semiconductor high-end component supply chain partner, achieving the sustainable goal of linking the intelligent machine equipment ecosystem.


Chairman Yen Jui-Hsiung of Tongtai Machine signed MOUs with Chairman Huang Qifeng of Solartech, General Manager Ji Chongnan of General Integration Technology, and President Robert Yusin of Optomec. Solartech affirmed Tongtai's long-term investment and achievements in intelligent manufacturing and, in collaboration with Tongtai, echoed the core theme of "efficient smart manufacturing" at the TMTS exhibition. They aim to integrate Tongtai's intelligent mechanical integration solutions with Solartech's industrial processes to create exact and efficient intelligent production lines.


Chairman Yen of Tongtai highlighted the company's proactive stance in the face of evolving industry needs. While acknowledging Tongtai's leading position among domestic machine tool manufacturers, he emphasized the company's continuous drive for improvement. This year, Tongtai is set to embark on a dual-axis transformation, aiming to localize parts for advanced semiconductor processes and harness AI-generated technology to become a primary semiconductor equipment supplier. The ultimate aim is to elevate Tongtai into the semiconductor ecosystem, leveraging its foundational advantages and paving the way for future growth.

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