According to Tongtai's Articles of Incorporation, directors shall be elected pursuant to the candidates nomination system and in compliance with "Rules for Election of Directors" and "Corporate Governance Best Practice Principles" to ensure the indepedence and diversification of directors.
Tongtai's 19th Board of Directors consists of thirteen distinguished members with a great breadth of experience as business leaders or professionals. One of the members of the Board Directors is female. Mr. Jui-Hsiung Yen, Mr. Hwa-Chou Yen, Mr. Jun-Liang Kuo, Mr. Tsan-Jen Chen and WEICHUNG OOI have the knowledge, skills and experience regarding leadership, making operational judgements, conducting management administration, conducting crisis management and possess knowledge of the industry and an international market perspective. Mrs. Lu Yen and Mr. Cheng Yen possess the abilities to perform accounting and financial analysis and have knowledge of the industry. Mr. CHUANG EUGENE U JAKE and Mr. Yang-Kuang Tung possess the abilities to make operational judgments, conduct management administration and have knowledge of the industry. And as to the four independent Directors, Mr. Po-Han Wang,Mr. Shin Fann, Mr. Shing-Yusn Tsai and Mr. Cheng Hsin Chen have the knowledge, skills and experience in performing accounting and financial analysis, making operational judgements, conducting management administration, and possess leadership, knowledge of the industry and an international market perspective.
In order to protect the rights and interests of shareholders, treat all shareholders equitably, strengthen the powers of the board of directors, respect the rights and interests of stakeholders and enhance information transparency, the corporate governance structure is set as below:
The primary duty of the board of directors is to supervise whether the Company compliance with relevant laws and regulations, financial transparency, timely disclosure of material information, and maintain the highest integrity within the Company. In order to perform these responsibilities, the board of directors established the Audit Committee and the Compensation Committee, and coordination with the Internal Audit department.
The board of directors also has duties to resolve significant matters, including significant capital expenditure, significant investment activities, proposing to distribute dividends or make up losses , proposing to increase or decrease capital, reviewing material internal rules and contracts and appointing and dismissing general managers and so on.
Jui-Hsiung Yen
Joined Tongtai’s Board: 1990
Mr. Jui-Hsiung Yen served as our gereral manager from 1996 to 2008 and has served as our chiarman since September, 2008. He again has served as our gereral manager since September, 2015. He also serves of the chairman of Suzhou Tongyu Machine Tool Co.,Ltd, Asia Pacific Elite Corp., Tong Fong Automation Co.,Ltd., PCI-SCEMM, Contrel Technology Co., Ltd., F.S.E Corporation and Ever Lumin Incorporation, respectively and the director of Yeou Sheng Machine Co., Ltd. and Cyber laser Taiwan Co., Ltd. (representative of Contrel Technology Co., Ltd. ). Mr. Jui-Hsiung Yen formerly served as the chairman of Precision Machinery Research & Development Center the chairman of The Allied Association For Science Park Industries and serves as the chairman of Taiwan Machine Tool & Accessory Builders’ Association, and the director of Taiwan Aerospace Industry Association. He holds a bachelor's degree in power mechanical engineering from National Chung Cheng University.
Eugene Chuang
Director(Representative of U-yuan Investment Ltd.)
Joined Tongtai’s Board: 2020
Mr. Eugene Chuang serves as the general manager and a director of Logicom Inc., U-yuan Investment Company. and U-min Investment Company. Mr. Eugene Chuang holds a master’s degree in Financial Analysis from MIT Sloan School of Management. Mr. Eugene Chuang formerly served as a manager at A.T. Kearney, Greater China.
Jun-Liang Kuo
Director(Representative of Hong Mai Co., Ltd.)
Joined Tongtai’s Board: 2020
Mr. Jun-Liang Kuo holds a master’s degree in Executive Master of Business Administration Global Entrepreneur from National Chengchi University, a master's degree in Computer Science from The George Washington University, and a bachelor's degree in Power Mechanical Engineering from National Tsing Hua University. He now occupies the following positions: chairman of HongMai Investment Ltd. Co., chairman of Agein Media & Communications Ltd. Co., and director of Rehoboth Digital Marketing Co.
Tsan-Jen Chen
Director (Representative of Jui Hsiu Investment Co., Ltd)
Joined Tongtai’s Board: 2020
Mr. Tsan-Jen Chen serves as the general manager and a director of Contrel Technology Co., Ltd, chairman of the Iamech Technology Inc. He formerly served as factory manager of Innolux Corporation. Mr. Tsan-Jen Chen holds a master's degree in Mechanical Engineering from National Taiwan University of Science and Technology.
Hwa-Chou Yen
Director (Representative of San Shin Co., Ltd)
Joined Tongtai’s Board: 2008
Mr. Hwa-Chou Yen serves as the chairman of San Shin Investment Co., Ltd., San Shin Co. and SYSCO Machinery Corporation, Ltd. Mr. Hwa-Chou Yen also serves as the director of Sheng Li Machine Co., Ltd., Yuken Hydraulics(T.W.)Co., Ltd. (representative of San Shin Co., Ltd.) and Contrel Technology Co., Ltd. (representative of San Shin Co., Ltd.), respectively and the supervisor of Yeou Sheng Machine Co., Ltd. (representative of San Shin Investment Co., Ltd.), Chun Yi Industrial Co.,Ltd. (representative of San Shin Co., Ltd.) and F.S.E Corporation), respectively. He holds a bachelor's degree in clivi engineering from Chung Yuan Christian University.
Cheng Yen
Director (Representative of San Shin Co., Ltd)
Joined Tongtai’s Board: 2017
Mr. Cheng Yen serves as executive assistant of San Shin Co., Ltd. He formerly served as trader of SinoPac Securities. Mr. Cheng Yen also serves as the director of San Shin Co., Ltd (representative of Se Cheng Lu Investment Co., Ltd), San Shin Investment Co., Ltd (representative of Se Cheng Lu Investment Co., Ltd) and Contrel Technology Co., Ltd. (representative of San Shin Co., Ltd.) He holds a bachelor's degree in information management from National Taiwan University and master's degree in industrial engineering from Columbia University.
Lu Yen
Director (Representative of Tsan Ying Investment Co., Ltd.)
Joined Tongtai’s Board: 2020
Ms. Lu Yen specializes in Finance and Marketing&Public Relationship. She joined Tongtai in 2011 and came through Marketing, Business, Human Resources and reinvestment relevant department. And serves as the position of spokesperson in 2015, joined the abroad M&A project. She also serves of the director of Suzhou Tongyu Machine Tool Co.,Ltd and the supervisor of the Precision Machinery Research Development Center. She worked for Unilever before joined Tongtai. Ms. Lu Yen holds a master's degree of Integrated marketing from Northwestern University.
Yang-Kuang Tung
Joined Tongtai’s Board: 2017
Mr. Yang-Kuang Tung served as our supervisor from 2005 to 2017. He graduated from Department of Veterinary Medicine, National Pingtung University of Science and Technology.
Weichung Ooi
Joined Tongtai’s Board: 2023
Mr. Weichung Ooi served as Director of Contrel Technology Co., Ltd.、Supervisor of F.S.E CORPORATION 、Supervisor of EVER LUMIN INCORPORATION. Mr. Weichung Ooi holds a Ph.D. Physics and Astronomy, University of California Los Angeles.
Po-Han Wang
Independent Director
Chair, Audit Committee
Chair, Compensation Committee
Joined Tongtai’s Board: 2017
Mr. Po-Han Wang serves as chairman and certified public accountant of Shineway Limited Partnership Accounting Firm, chairman of Rui Sheng Financial Advisory Services Co.,Ltd. He also serves as independent director of China Ectotek Corporation. He formerly served as manager of Audit Department from Deloitte & Touch. Mr. Po-Han Wang holds a bachelor's degree in accounting from National Cheng Kung University and a master’s degree in business management from National Sun Yat-sen University.
Shin Fann
Independent Director
Member, Audit Committee
Member, Compensation Committee
Joined Tongtai’s Board: 2020
Mr. Shin Fann serves as consultant of TEEMA Taiwan V-team, strategy mentor in New Generation College and Taidah Entrepreneurship Center. He formerly served as president and Chief Financial Officer of Ford Lio Ho Motor Company, operating vice president of Changan Ford Automobile Co.,Ltd. and also served as director and president and chairman of executive committee of Jiangling Motors Co., Ltd. (China). Mr. Shin Fann holds PhD degree of Mechanical Engineering from University of Michigan.
Shing-Yusn Tsai
Independent Director
Member, Audit Committee
Member, Compensation Committee
Joined Tongtai’s Board: 2023
Mr. Shing-Yusn Tsai serves as Chairman of Athena Innovation Investment and Service Company. He formerly served as Chief Executive Officer of Southern Region Campus of Industrial Technology.
Mr. Shing-Yusn Tsai holds a PhD Mechanical Engineering, University of Wisconsin-Madison Campus.
Cheng-Hsin Chen
Independent Director
Member, Audit Committee
Member, Compensation Committee
Joined Tongtai’s Board: 2023
Mr. Cheng-Hsin Chen serves as Chairman, Gallant Precision Machining Co., Ltd.
Mr. Cheng-Hsin Chen holds a M.Sc.,Department of Mechanical and ElectroMechanical Engineering from National Sun Yat-sen University.
According to Tongtai's Articles of Incorporation, directors shall be elected pursuant to the candidates nomination system as specified in Article 192-1 of the R.O.C. "Company Law".
At the regular meeting of March 22, 2017, Tongtai's Board of Directors had approved to increase the number of Tongtai’s directors from nine to thirteen and to elect all directors at Tongtai's 2017 Annual Shareholders' Meeting. The term of office of the all new directors (including independent directors) is three year, starting from June 14, 2023 to June 13, 2026.
According to the Article 192-1 of the R.O.C. "Company Law", Tongtai announced on March 15, 2023 the period for accepting the nomination of director candidates, the number of directors to be elected, the place designated for accepting the roster of director nominees, and other necessary matters. Any shareholder holding 1% or more of the outstanding shares of the Company may nominate candidate(s) for directors in writing. Any shareholder qualified to so nominate may submit to the Company the name(s) of the director nominee(s), and shall send, during the nomination time period from March 16 to March 25, 2023, the name, education background and work experience of the nominee(s), a letter signed by each nominee consenting to act as director if elected, a written statement issued by each nominee assuring that he/she is not prohibited from so acting under any of the circumstances set forth in Article 30 of the R.O.C. "Company Law", and other relevant documents signed and provided by each nominee to Tongtai via registered post sent to the following address: No.3, Luke 3rd. Rd., Luzhu Dist., Kaohsiung city 82151, Taiwan, R.O.C.
Then the Board of Directors reviewed and approved the nominees to stand for election at Tongtai's Annual Shareholders' Meeting on June 14, 2023.