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Corporate Executives

  Title Name Education and Experience
Jui-Hsiung Yen Chairman& General Manager Jui-Hsiung Yen

Mr. Jui-Hsiung Yen served as our general manager from 1996 to 2008 and has served as our chiarman since September, 2008.  He again has served as our gereral manager since  September, 2015.  He also serves of the chairman of Suzhou Tongyu Machine Tool Co.,Ltd, Asia Pacific Elite Corp., Tong Fong Automation Co.,Ltd., PCI-SCEMM, Contrel Technology Co., Ltd., F.S.E Corporation and Ever Lumin Incorporation, respectively and the director of Yeou Sheng Machine Co., Ltd. and Cyber laser Taiwan Co., Ltd. (representative of Contrel Technology Co., Ltd. ).   Mr. Jui-Hsiung Yen formerly served as the chairman of The Allied Association For Science Park Industries and serves as the chairman of Taiwan Machine Tool & Accessory Builders’ Association, the chairman of Precision Machinery Research & Development Center and the director of Taiwan Aerospace Industry Association.  He holds a bachelor's degree in power mechanical engineering from National Chung Cheng University.

Feng-Hui Chiou Vice President of Greater China Business Department Feng-Hui Chiou

Mr. Feng-Hui Chiou serves as general manager of Suzhou Tongyu Machine Tool Co.,Ltd.  He formerly served as our sales manager and vice general manager of Suzhou Tongyu Machine Tool Co.,Ltd.  Mr. Feng-Hui Chiou graduated from Department of Mechanical Engineering, Nanya Institute of Technology.

Yu-Pin Chen Vice President of Electronic Equipment Business Unit Yu-Pin Chen

Mr. Yu-Pin Chen joined the Tongtai in 2008. He is currently the Vice President of the company's Electronic Equipment Business Unit. He specializes in laser processing system integration technology. Yu-Pin Chen is a PhD. In Mechatronic at National Changhua University of Education.

Lu Yen Vice President of Machine Tool Business Unit Lu Yen

Ms. Lu Yen specializes in finance and marketing public relations. After joining Tongtai in 2011, she has worked in marketing, sales, human resources, investment management departments. In 2015, she served as a spokesperson and participated in overseas mergers and acquisitions projects. Currently she served as director of Contrel Technology Co., Ltd., supervisor of Suzhou Tongyu Machine Tool Co., Ltd (Suzhou) and Precision Machinery Research Development Center. Before joining Tongtai, she worked for the Dutch merchant Unilever. Ms. Lu Yen holds M.S. in Integrated Marketing, Northwestern University.

Wen-Peng Tseng Director of Electronic & Digital Development Department Wen-Peng Tseng

Mr. Wen-Peng Tseng joined Tongtai Group in 2015. He is currently the director of the company'sElectronic & Digital Development Department and the general manager of TONGFONG AUTO TECH CO., LTD. He was in charge of research and development projects at the Industrial Technology Research Institute and won the Outstanding Young Electrical Engineer Award of the China Electrical Engineering Association and the "Manager Monthly" 100 MVP Manager Award, he has been equipped 30 years related industry experience. He possesses professional technologies in control, 3D printing and intelligence manufacturing, and has experience in R&D management and industry-university-research cooperation. Mr. Wen-Peng Tseng graduated from Institute of Control Engineering, National Chiao Tung University.

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