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Tongtai (TWSE: 4526) 2024 Q1 BOD Press Release

Tongtai Machine & Tool Co., Ltd(4526) held a board meeting today (13) and approved the consolidated financial statements for last year. The consolidated revenue in 2023 was NT$ 7.621 billion, with a foreign exchange gain of NT$10.587 million. Additionally, non-operating gains were from recognizing Honor Seiki's share disposal benefits and real estate activation. This year's net profit after tax is  NT$120 million, with earnings per share (EPS) of NT$0.2. The board proposed a cash dividend of NT$0.2 per share, and the current cumulative orders amount to NT$3 billion.


Tongtai continues to expand its presence in the automotive wheel, semiconductor consumables, and ABF carrier industries. Several orders are currently under negotiation. Additionally, Tongtai's electronic equipment division is aggressively targeting the Southeast Asian market, expecting increased orders in the second half of this year, leading to a potential doubling performance.


Tongtai and its subsidiaries Honor Seiki, Asia-Pacific Elite, and Quicktech are gearing up for the 2024 Taiwan International Machine Tool Show (TMTS) from March 27th to March 31st. We are excited to announce that during the exhibition, we will unveil several cross-industry collaboration projects. These projects are expected to significantly enhance the TTGroup's operations, and we look forward to sharing more details with you soon.


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