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Green machine tools, for Tongtai, this is imperative.

In the past, machine tool industries competed for at equipment pricing and efficiency; however, net-zero emissions policies have changed the game rules. Customers now need the equipment that is smarter, greener and designed with carbon reduction in mind.


In this “Green machine tools” competition, at Tongtai’s renowned machine tool factory located in Luzhu Scientific Park in Kaohsiung, you could hear the rumbling sound of machinery being assembled on the traditional production line.


A group of software engineers are typing on keyboards and simulating the machining for calibration thru software to ensure the accuracy of the product, avoid defects and save energy after the machines have been commissioned at the client’s facilities.


A screen near the machine displays power consumption and the status of emissions during real-time monitoring of the production process. It could adjust to the low-carbon model if you worry about consuming too much energy.


"Now clients not only care about the efficiency, and cost performance, but also carbon emissions," Tongtai Chairman, Mr. Yen, explained that net zero carbon emissions policies are a pressure on machine tools and a turning point. Those who cannot keep up with the transformation will gradually be eliminated. Tongtai has decided to transform earlier, and is ready to master the key battle of this transformation.


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