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Exclusive interview of Shuzhou Tong-Yu general manager, Jacky Chiou

“As long as your strength is good enough, you don’t have to be afraid of any problems,” the general manager of Shuzhou Tong-Yu, Jacky Chiou, says. Starting from technology and service, Jacky talked about how TTGroup has continued to make progress in the epidemic era is getting outstanding scores in China.


Facing domestic and international demands, the strengths of Tongtai are what we can provide for one-stop services for the machines in metal cutting, PCB machining, and metal additive manufacturing with global after-sell service. Tongtai’s business was started with special purpose machines, therefore, we deeply understand how critical in technology and real-time service.


Shuzhou Tong-Yu Machine & Tool Co., Ltd, a Tongtai subsidiary, is located in China. For providing real-time services to the clients in China, Tong-Yu built distribution channels, 5 branches and 17 offices, which are able to provide services to the customers nearby. Now the epidemic limits the transportation, but our services to the clients are never postponed. Completed service channels, good relationships with customers, and stable incomes are driving Tongtai to keep optimistic towards the China market. Not only in the conventional automobile and aerospace industries, Tong-Yu has stepped into the electric vehicle industry in 2022. In recent years, Tong-Yu has self-developed machines including: Vertical machining centers, Horizontal machining centers, and CNC lathes. These machines have much better performance/cost ratio and also high production efficiency. To achieve the goal of carbon neutrality, Tong-Yu is also working on processing a green transformation and has been awarded relative certificate. Aims at lowering carbon emissions, Tong-Yu not only redesigns machines with optimized energy management mechanisms, but also adopts energy saving and carbon reduction concepts in the existing and new factories.


Would you like to know more details about Tongtai services in China? We invite you to watch the exclusive interview of Tong-Yu general manager, Jacky Chiou.


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