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EMO Hannover 2017

At EMO Hannover 2017, TTGroup exhibits total 9 machines tools and arranges live demonstrations for various industrial applications with brand new group image ”TTGroup”. We focus on three innovative technologies which are ANGER MACHINING’s 2PLUS solutions, AMH-350, the first additive & subtractive machining equipment of Tongtai, and PCI’s new Twin Spindle Méteor to address TTGroup’s solutions for industry 4.0.


ANGER MACHINING’s 2PLUS solution will opens new possibilities for different precision workpiece machining in 5-axis in volume production. The ANGER 2PLUS is a new fully automated system, which allows for the production in chaotic workpiece sequence, with zero second conversion time and without any intervention of an operator.


Tongtai Machine & Tool Co., Ltd brings the first metal powder direct energy deposition and subtractive manufacturing machine, AMH-350. It is a successful collaborative product developed by Optomec and Tongtai. AMH-350 is a hybrid additive & subtractive machining equipment which fulfills 3D printing, parts repairing, laser deposition and 5-axis machining functions.


PCI´s new Twin Spindle Méteor is possible with fully independent 5-axis double machining. Designed following high efficiency standards of automotive applications, this new machine answers OEM's most challenging project’s requirements.


The members of TTGroup include Tongtai, Honor, APEC, Quick Tech, PCI-SCEMM, Anger machining. In recent years, TTGroup has become more deeply involved in automotive industry, aerospace industry, and advanced manufacturing. TTGroup is a platform we make to take care clients’ needs for equipment, machining solution, technology application and service. As a strategy alliance, we share our technologies, resource, experience and successful machining case to build up the horizontal integration for internal cooperation and expand the market share with new business model through the global network.


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