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Highlights of Tongtai’s Exhibits in IMTS 2018

In IMTS 2018, we follow the trend of intelligent manufacturing and focus on customers’ demands for efficiency and flexibility of production. We exhibit Tongtai’s machine tools with more axes, more spindles and the capability to automatic production, to emphasize on Tongtai’s solutions for multi-process machining, automation and high efficiency machining.

TMS-2000ST, the multi-tasking turning center. It is an ultimate solution for multi-process machining which includes machining, turning, drilling and tapping functions. Moreover, TMS integrates swing B-axis and 5-axis simultaneous motion controller to conquer complex curve surface contouring.

Automation is an essential element of intelligent manufacturing. Tongtai will exhibit two machines to demonstrate solutions for automation. The first one is MT-2000, a horizontal twin-spindle CNC lathe. It has two spindles with individual working areas and integrates robotic arms with the storage system and allows an operator to complete different processing tasks in one machine. The second one is HS-22, a horizontal CNC lathe. It is equipped with a robotic arm and storage system to facilitate the efficient work flow but takes only a small footprint. It could fulfill customers’ expectation for higher productivity and intensive production line arrangement.

As for the high efficiency machining, Tongtai’s SH series, horizontal machining centers, is regarded as a typical and outstanding model for high speed and high efficiency machining. SH series possesses great structural rigidity. It maintains excellent dynamic rigidity in high speed feeding and is perfectly suitable for aluminum high-speed machining.

To know more details, we sincerely invite you to visit Tongtai at booth No.338536.


More information:

TMS-2000ST - Multi-tasking Turning Center

SH-4000P - Horizontal Machining Center

SH-5000P - Horizontal Machining Center

MT-2000 - Horizontal Twin-spindle CNC lathe

HS-22 - Horizontal CNC lathe

IMTS 2018 Registration

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